We are perfectly capable of explaining the concept ourselves, but we prefer it when our clients share their experience.
Our casesSquad Apps was founded with the goal of making both customers and employees happy. Achieving this is possible through optimal collaboration, for which Squad Apps has come up with something that makes us unique in the low-code industry: working in squads. Squads are teams of 4 to 5 experienced Mendix consultants, each with their own unique skill set and experience. This way of working ensures that our customers have access to more knowledge than just the expertise of the consultant they hire; they always have access to different roles such as an architect or a designer. Moreover, our consultants never have to feel lonely. There is always the squad to fall back on. Win-win!
By working in squads, our customers not only benefit from the expertise of the squad consultant they hire but they also have automatic access to the knowledge and experience of the other squad members, such as, for example, an architect and designer. This means that our customers benefit from a full team of experts, rather than just one consultant.
The squad concept allows us to leverage the combined expertise and creativity of our entire team for the success of our customers. Our squads brainstorm together, share best practices and develop innovative solutions to the challenges our customers face. This ensures solutions of the highest quality that meet and often exceed our customers' expectations.
Because the squads work closely together and share knowledge, projects can be completed faster and more efficiently. When a consultant encounters a problem outside their area of expertise, they can call on other squad members to solve the problem together. This leads to a faster response time and higher productivity.
The squad concept provides our customers with the flexibility to scale up easily. Since all squad members are aware of the customer's background and the specific project requirements, we can quickly allocate additional resources when needed. This allows us to respond quickly to changing needs and deadlines.
Squad members are automatically informed about the progress with our customers. This reduces the dependency on just one consultant and ensures that customer-specific knowledge is maintained within the entire team. This allows the squad to easily step in for specific or urgent cases, ensuring project continuity and increasing customer satisfaction.
Our customers communicate with one contact person: the consultant they hired. Behind the scenes, everything is done to come up with the best solution, but in practice, our customers won't notice this.